"I learned how to be strong. It's weird, because it's something between being strong and open with you emotions. Before I always put up a wall. But now I can already sympathize with other people, I easily cry. But at the same time, when I n...

As summer sizzles in the Metro, the April magazine covers also ride the train of hotness. Next month's glossies are here. Decide which magazine to buy as early as now! It's the 'Paraiso' star Jessy Mendiola for Preview. Love the ethnic prints.
By Fashion Media Philippines on Mar 25, 2013 in:
women, Meg, Jessy Mendiola, Rxandy Capinpin, Marge Apacible, editorial, cover, celebrity, Rain Dagala, Mica Santos

PH: Rxandy CapinpinArt Direction: Mica SantosStyling: Rain DagalaMake-Up/Hair: Marge Apacible for The Face Shop...

Actress Jessy Mendiola wearing XERNAN ORTICIO on MAVEN Magazine December 2012 Issue.*Dress available at MYTH Boutique, Greenbelt 5.
By Erika Jjang!~ on Mar 10, 2013 in:
etude house, korea, korean, meg, jessy, jessy mendiola, pretty, beauty, makeup, cosmetics, tiffany, snsd, kpop, pink
So you had a bad day, you’re taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around~...
The lovely Jessy Mendiola graces the cover of the February issue of Circuit Magazine. Of course, Raymund photographs her. Take a look at the behind-the-scenes. Watch what happens! Watch or download the HD version of this episode here. All episodes ar...
By Fashion Media Philippines on Feb 23, 2013 in:
Kusie Ho, Patrick Alcober, Xander Angeles, editorial, celebrity, Patrick Ty, John Valle, Metro, women, James Razo, Enrique, Jessy Mendiola, Italo

PH: Xander AngelesCreative Director: Patrick TyMake-Up: Kusie HoHair: John Valle for L'Oreal ProfessionnelSet Design: James RazoMale Models: Enrique and Italo (IM)Grooming: Patrick Alcober for Shu Uemura...