By on Jan 9, 2013 in:
Health and Lifestyle, 2009, 2012, calls, CELEBRATIONS, during, ENFORCEMENT, hurt, lowest, SERIOUS, since, year
The post DOH CALLS FOR SERIOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT AS 931 HURT DURING 2012 NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS, THE LOWEST SINCE 2009 appeared first on... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]...
By The Cat's Meow on Dec 12, 2012 in:
igerspinoy, word, instagram, text, igersmanila, drake, hurt, instagood, manhid, truth, igdaily, reality, ig

Drake is the Confucius of this messed up generation. #truth #drake #text #word #reality #hurt #manhid #ig #igersmanila #igerspinoy #igdaily #instagood #instagram (at Far East Asia Village)...

They always say that finding a true friend is like finding a precious gem. It is for keeps. To be valued. To be appreciated. To have a shoulder to cry and lean on in times of sorrow, difficulties and testing. To be there to cheer on and celeb...

One of the word that struck during the discipleship training last night was the use of tongue. We all know that it is one of the smallest part of our body but yet did we also knew that it is also the toughest and sharpest part our body. Even the bibl...
This article is not to stir up paranoia in you, or change your perception of love. This is just what I have learned and realized after a string of bad breakups and countless conversations with friends (few years my senior mostly) who have had more ex...
I wanted to hear his truth, but I wanted his truth to be what I wanted to hear.. so I sat confused.. I didn’t want to hear it from his friends, but him.. we never had the chance to REALLY have a conversation, I mean a serious one, you know, like...