By The Lens & The Stories Behind on Mar 6, 2012 in:
Urban Escape, Homes Away from Home, travel, photography, manila, photo, manila hotel, philippines, hotels, hotel reviews, historical hotels

Mom forgot my sister’s birthday so she made us tag along with her to spend Sunday at the Manila Hotel. .The Manila Hotel is a 5-star luxury hotel in the Philippines. It’s the oldest premier hotel in the country. Being so, it’s a v...
By The Lens & The Stories Behind on Mar 5, 2012 in:
Homes Away from Home, Urban Escape, historical hotels, hotel reviews, hotels, manila, manila hotel, philippines, photo, photography, travel

Mom forgot my sister’s birthday so she made us tag along with her to spend Sunday at the Manila Hotel. The Manila Hotel is a 5-star luxury hotel in the Philippines. It’s the oldest premier hotel in the country. Being so, it’s a ve...
Finally, the flat tire was replaced and ready to head to Shivapuri Heights Cottages which is located on a high ridge close to the edge of the National Park in Kathmandu. After loading the luggage, ...
Address: National Road cor. Rosario St. Brgy. 3, Coron, Palawan Contact Number: 0927.559.5981 Website: Like their Facebook fanpage here Mommita’s Place is without question one home away from home. Going to Coron, Palawan and staying at the pl...