I have read so many fascinating things about the medicinal effect or health benefits of Guyabano in having a healthy immune system. Like here in the Philippines it is popularly known as Guyabano... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website...

HeadphonesI remember that some months ago, we did this meme about the things that make us happy. My list was not arranged in order of preference but more of a haphazard listing of the first thing that comes to mind. Somewhere down the end of the li...

The neem tree (Azadirachta indica), has been attracting worldwide attention due to its wide range of medicinal properties. Neem has been extensively used in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathic medicine and has become a cynosure of modern medicine.I had...

Potato HarvestWho doesn't like potatoes? Raise your hands please. I have yet to meet someone who hates it. Potatoes are something of a comfort food for me, although I don't really eat it on a daily basis. But when I do, I practical...

Otherwise known as Lady Finger or gumbo, okra comes with a gorgeous flower when sprouting. It belongs in the mallow family and quite a photogenic plant. However, I am not one to appreciate its taste nor its "goo." There are those, to...

Last time I visited my grandfather’s homestead in Subic, I couldn’t help but take off my clothes, except for my underwear, and jump into the cool waters of this brook that leads to a lagoon. It was around ten in the morning, the sun already...

Green coffee isn't new. There are those who believe that its cultivation originated in Arabia on the Red Sea over 900 years ago, and that at the time, the beans were not roasted but brewed in a manner quite similar to tea. Roasted coffee certainly ha...