We should really start teaching our Human the "drop it" command. My orange slice is not a toy!Oranges make great treats for us piggies as long as it's fresh, sweet (not so sour or acidic), and given in moderation. Oranges are known for having a lot o...
By Simple Garden Thoughts on Nov 18, 2012 in:
cayy, hamster, poodle, Cricetinae, Trachemys scripta elegans, Vriesea, red-ear slider turtle, flaming sword, Agopornis roseicollis, Cavia porcellus, peach-faced love bird, guinea pigs, shih-tzu, garden, pets

I was asked by my kids one day why I always blog about things that I find interesting such as the garden and prodded me to post something about things they love as well. Since they are animal lovers, let me share what pets we have at home. There ar...

O hai piggy friends! It's been a long time as usual since we have posted anything in our piggy blog. Nothing really has changed, we're hoping to do some changing someday soon. Probably more piggy hideys, and piggy chicks if you know what I mean. ...;

Two human cubs inspecting what looks like a giantmummified wiener dog We know, we know, we're late. We haven't had time to update our blog now a days, Rainbow is being too demanding. Help me with this, help me with that, what's the square root o...