Dora NovakUnderfloor heating is simply a source of radiant heating that is installed under the floors of your house. Just a few years ago, most underfloor heating had to be installed during the construction of the home because of the complicated natu...
greenTechThe lone Norway Spruce is 13 feet tall, but this is only the visible portion of this “christmas tree”. Radiocarbon dating shows that its tremendous root system has been growing for approximately 9,550 years. That makes this tree...
By Got Eco Technology on Oct 11, 2012 in:
Green Technology, Green Tips, broadband, climate, Eco Friendly, Environment, green, Guest Post, ICT, social networking
Kerry ButtersThe Broadband Bridge, was a report published by the Broadband Commission, UNESCO, in which they linked ICT with climate change. In a nutshell, the report states that although ICT contributes around 2.5% of total greenhouse emissions, it...
By Got Eco Technology on Oct 3, 2012 in:
Green Technology, Renewable Energy, Solar techonology, epfl, frankfurt, Guest Post, hybrid solar cell, monocrystalline, solar cell, solar panel, Solar Power, thin film
mathiasEPFL`s Institute of Microengineering in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, has created a “hybrid” solar cell based on the technologies behind amorphous thin film and monocrystalline silicon that performs at a conversion efficiency of 21.4% – highe...
mathiasFor the past one and a half decades, researches have been working on improving the technology of plastic solar cells. They have the potential to revolutionize the way we harness solar energy both in terms of efficiency and costs. At Flinders U...
greenTechZipcarand Honda are working together to bring some 2013 Fit EVs to Zipcar’s car-sharing fleet in San Francisco. “The new Honda Fit EVs will be placed in Zipcar locations throughout San Francisco this month, including the InterCon...
greenTortelSCOTLAND - Harvesting energy under sea level is viewed as a potential renewable energy source off to the coast of Northern Scotland. It was a few years after Norway built it’s 10 megawatt wind turbine, Scottish Power Renewables...