By Biyaherong Barat on Feb 11, 2013 in:
Barat Adventures, Biyaheng Manila, 2013, alfredo lim, Binondo, binondo celebration, Binondo Church, Chinatown, chinese new year celebration, current-events, Dragon Dance, gong xi fa cai, Lion Dance, lucky charms, Manila, manila chinatown, mayor lim, Ming Sheng Wushu Association, Miss Chinatown, oldest chinatown, Philippines, plaza san ruiz, tikoy, year of the snake

Binondo reigns as the oldest Chinatown onĀ the face of the planet. Since it was established in 1594, the district has been home to our fellow Chinese Filipino brothers and sisters. Until today, the community still practices the ancient customs, and...
Got this from YouTube and I find it a cute way of greeting everyone a Happy Year of the Snake!
By Every-Comedy-Thing on Feb 9, 2013 in:
EK Encarnacion, The Road to 25, TheRoadto25, Road to 25, Roadto25, The Road to 25 Question 5, TheRoadto25Q5, Roadto25Q5, gong xi fa cai, kung hei fat choi, Chinese New Year, water snake, 2013, happy new year
In line with the Chinese New Year, I bring you the fifth question of the Road to 25. To recap and...
By Every-Comedy-Thing on Feb 9, 2013 in:
EK Encarnacion, The Road to 25, TheRoadto25, Road to 25, Roadto25, TheRoadto25Q5, Roadto25Q5, The Road to 25 Question 5, gong xi fa cai, kung hei fat choi, happy new year, Chinese New Year, Ongpin, Eng Bee Tin, tikoy
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with “something that I bought from one of the shops or...