When it comes to clothing, fashion and accessories, GOLDEN ABC, INC. will provide its customers of their affordable and quality products. GOLDEN ABC, Inc. was established in Cebu, Philippines in 1986 and is the country’s fashion pioneer and owner o...
By Crumpylicious Blog on Sep 26, 2011 in:
golden abc, htc, lay bare, blogapalooza, size matters, HTC ChaCha, lifestyle, blogging, wheninmanila, sponsor, Blogapalooza 2011

Blogging has been here for quite some time but have businesses actually acknowledged our marketing potential? According to Vince Golangco of When In Manila, businesses were quite skeptic on joining. It wasn't until one company before other...

Have you read THIS ENTRY? :)Weeks and weeks ago, I had a beautiful encounter with my blog sister Krissy when we were able to experience first hand the Kariton Klasrum by CNN Hero Efren Penaflorida. Again, here's the link to Fashion Compass Kids' memo...

The Fashion Compass kids went on an unforgettable blog event last weekend, which for me is one of the highlights of my blogging life. Golden ABC invited me and Krissy to experience the Kariton Klasrum first hand. So with little sleep but big drive wh...
By Recycle Bin of a Middle Child on May 31, 2011 in:
bora in manila, golden abc, darren tieste, pr asia, joyce ramirez, philippines, endorser, chuck bass, penshoppe, ed westwick
On it's 25 year anniversary, Penshoppe, a leading brand in casual clothing brings an upper east sider in the name of Chuck Bass. And since I'm a big Gossip Girl fan, I can't help but to get too excited about this great news. Ed Westwick a.k.a. Chuc...