In our family, we try to incorporate a lot of fruits in our diet, after all it's one of the best sources of nutrients particularly the much need anti-oxidants which berries, particularly, blueberries contain! Often, I find that the best way to encour...

Since hubby has been telling me that we really need a car especially during rainy days since our daughter is already growing up and he has having a hard time with the motorcycle since we are getting heavier. I know it is just a dream for now but lo...

Buffet/Restaurant: Vikings Luxury Buffet Price Range: Php. 688 - 1,088 My hubby and I went to Vikings to celebrate my birthday last November 2012. We arrived around 5:00 pm and there were people lined up already. Their staff gave us a pr...
By ComTECHnician on Nov 19, 2012 in:
amd, bobcat, Brazos, Computing, cpu, fusion, intel, jaguar, Kabini, Kaveri, Ontario, Phil Hughes, processors, Steamroller, Electronics
AMD is hitting back at claims that it has canceled its next generation of mainstream desktop and laptop APUs; company spokespeople have stated that these parts remain on track.

So we had this dilemma; where should we make dinner reservations? After an activity packed first day at Baguio, we’re quite starving and we were hoping to have a nice and filling dinner. Tom Yum Soup + Tiger Prawns = AWESOME!! Fortunately for...

Fast Food: Bon Chon Chicken (SM Megamall) Price Range: Php. 200.00/meal Most of my friends told me that I should try Bon Chon's double fried chicken and most food blogs that I've read also said that Bon Chon has the best fried chicken in town, so...

Restaurant: Sambo Kojin Price Range: Eat All You Can Buffet (Php. 595 per head without drinks) 25 September 2011 (Pictures were taken with our camera phone, so expect low quality photos. XD) Kuni and I went to Sambo Kojin and took their ea...