I was scheduled for my TESDA Food & Beverage NC II last December 20, 2012. A day before the assessment I received a text message from BELLMEC Training Center where I went to because of the Scholarship they offer that time. Anyway, back to the tex...

When I went to trade school we were asked to make our own menu to provide our guests who are travelling anywhere and everywhere. First, it was really hard to make one but then I am thankful because I came across this MenuShoppe and they have a large...

According to our mentor, room service is much easier to learn than the table service sequence. But to me, I’d say if a student lacks experience then both can be very hard. However, once you see it on the actual demo you have the tendency to act lik...
I have decided to take another skills training in TESDA the Food and Beverage Servicing NCII. I just want to learn all the basic and core competencies, which I could use in the future. Meanwhile, it was more than one week now since I started the tr...

Entree Restaurant, Apo View Hotel. Davao...