Check the URL bar at the top of your screen. Notice something new???? Aawwwyeaaahhh, that's right! LifeAfterBreakfast.com is mine!!! No more dashes, no more blogspot, now you can type it in one breath! LifeAfterBreakfast.com... it sounds so pro...

I'm so excited for this! The Craft Soirée really is happening! From a crazy daydream, it's all starting to come together. Right now, we're on the hunt for businesses, brands, and fellow crafters who are interested in promoting their products, all of...

Last Palm Sunday, PJ and I made it a point to arrive early for mass. We bought two bunches of woven palm leaves (one for the house and the other for the condo), and found good seats smack in the middle of the church. Catholics know that Palm Sunda...