Happy feet 😛 #fitflop #flowers
By Diary of a Perky Kid on Mar 5, 2013 in: fitflop, flowers

Happy feet 😛 #fitflop #flowers...
By Diary of a Perky Kid on Mar 5, 2013 in: fitflop, flowers
Happy feet 😛 #fitflop #flowers...
By Drowning Equilibriums on Jan 10, 2013 in: product feature, ruckus, store features, blog sponsors, teenvogue, Press release, outfits, fab manila, blog collaborations, basic house, teen vogue, romwe, meister, fabmanila, fitflop, outfit posts
Spent this week catching up with HS friends. I've missed them a lot! I'm too lazy right now to transfer photos from my camera to my laptop, so I'll save that for later. For now, here's an outfit post taken last week during (yes during talaga haha) a...
By Drowning Equilibriums on Oct 24, 2012 in: weekend getaway, bag of beans, cute shoes, blog friends, weekends, sonyas garden, relax, blogger events, happy, philippine shoe brands, philippine blogger event, spa, fitflop, tagaytay
I originally planned to make 2 blog entries for this, but since I have a gazillion backlogs (hehe) I decided it would be faster if I just put everything in one post. So here goes! Went to Sonyas Garden, Tagaytay 2 weeks ago with the FITFLOP team, sev...
By Drowning Equilibriums on Oct 18, 2012 in: unica hija, kandi treats, sonyas garden, blog sponsors, teenvogue, outfit post, outfits, happy, blog collaborations, teen vogue, style diary, romwe, cotton on, nuffnang, fitflop, outfit posts
I'm back from the dead! Char. Was just super busy the past few days. Hehe. I'm also starting to reverse my abnormal body clock and so far so good! Been sleeping before 3 am for days now. Woot. I'm also working on my upcoming shoots so I'm mostly doin...
By The Fashionista Commuter on Oct 15, 2012 in: bloggers, sonyas garden, caffeine for your feet, tagaytay, fitflop
Oh morning! Something I dreaded when we slept at 4 in the morning, haha! Like a true blue Praning, the body clock woke me up 15 minutes before the call time (bongga ni body clock!)... And I saw Mother Earth na nakaligo and nakabihis na! I woke up the...
By The Fashionista Commuter on Oct 14, 2012 in: bloggers, field trip, due, tagaytay, fitflop
This is one of the events that I really want to share na before pa, but can't seem to find the time to write my kwentos PLUS edit the super daming photos. Anyway, puyatan nalang to tell you about what happened few weekends ago (and hindi pa natatalo...
By Drowning Equilibriums on Oct 11, 2012 in: unica hija, blog collaboration, Primadonna, kandi treats, sonyas garden, therapy bags, so fab, blog sponsors, teenvogue, outfits, nita clothing, teen vogue, style diary, thrift finds, fitflop, outfit posts, tagaytay
Just a quick outfit post before I sleep. Have to wake up early coz Papa Paul is picking Sarah and I up for our meeting with Rayban! Woot. Will share with you our project soon:) Will also post more kwentos tonight, that is if I still have energy. Will...