By Angela Andaluz on Aug 5, 2012 in:
lol, funny, Disney, princess, princesses, Rapunzel, Megara, Belle, Pocahontas, Snow White, love, couple, fairytale, fairy, tale, story, photo, image

“According to Disney, I need to hang out in the woods more.”...
nothing but a maiden waiting for the next best thing— a mere character ...
By Sikat Si Kat on Jun 4, 2011 in:
Visits from my muse, asylum, boyfriend, death of lover, fairytale, fortune teller, insane, katrina pineda, love, love story, sad story, short story
I stared straight at Miguel’s unmoving reflection in the mirror. A while ago, when the fortune-teller handed me the tiny piece of paper where a spell was written, I was sure it would never work. But when I began chanting the words written in a scri...