By Angela Andaluz on Sep 19, 2012 in:
cosplay, philippines, 4koma, entry, number, 10, mania, cosplaymania, like, facebook, support, kid, battlizer, sonic, mode, jungle, fury, red, ranger, strike, rider, shark, samurai, super, september, 29, 30, 2012, smx, convention

Hi guys! I need your support. Kindly like this photo here. Your likes will be very much appreciated. I love you all. *mwah* Bloglovin’ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Fashion Code 101...

The PLDT myDSL Anna Banna commercial is one of the touching commercials I've seen. Derek, the person behind the Anna Banana song, and his family made me smile the past few months. Anna is one lucky girl but I wouldn't say I wanna be on her shoes...

To be featured in a magazine that a lot of people can read and see is everybody's dream. Of course I would be so proud if I am being part of the article. So lucky me I won last year's promo of Tempra, Tiwala ng Ina promo and get a chance to be featur...
I just finished writing and revising my first poem for a biweekly poetry contest. It was a great...
Gagay is going to share her blessings to you by joining this Gagay Page Rank and Thanks Giving Contest. Join and get these cool prizes: 10 Page Rank Shirts A total of $360 PayPal cash 1 winner – $100 2 winners – $50 each 4 winners – $25 eac...

The Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards (PEBA), Inc. is a non-profit, non-stock organization of international Filipino Bloggers located from differen...
By The Little Things on Aug 11, 2011 in:
5Mbps, interactive, Patricia Tomo, Life at 5Mbps, Danica Sta Lucia, Entry, ABS-CBN, Contest, Ronel Sanglay, Glenn Ituriaga, SkyBroadband, Sky
Here's our other entry to Sky Broadband's contest. cge!(like) / comment / share the link / ENJOY! To vote, register to then click cge! (the button is below the video) Thanks! :-)...