Banana-Q? Here? #entrepreneur #banana #bohol #philippines #travel #food #pinoy (at Virgin island)...

Many businesses indeed #motivation #business #entrepreneur #freedom #financial #greatness #life #wealth #opportunity...
By Angela Andaluz on Dec 10, 2012 in:
introduction, to, entrepreneurship, book, succeess, stories, story, filipino, pinoy, entrepreneur, like, angela andaluz, angelandaluz

This one called my attention last night at National Bookstore. I had to get one! Bloglovin’ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest Ask Me | Instagram | Fashion Code 101...
By The Cat's Meow on Dec 6, 2012 in:
igerspinoy, instagram, marketing, philippines, igersmanila, socialmedia, bookworm, entrepreneur, books, facebook, advertising, december, igdaily, ig, goodreads

Super advance Christmas gift/s for myself! Because I am sooo inspired, determined and motivated to expand my knowledge about digital marketing. That is all. :) #facebook #marketing #advertising #socialmedia #entrepreneur #philippines #goodreads #book...

Young Bossing with a heart of gold. Chef, celebrity, restaurateur and entrepreneur Sir Marvin Agustin of SumoSam Foods Inc., recently made it to the top 12 of 2013 PLDT Bossing Ako Awards held last Nov. 27 , 2012 at NBC Tent, Bonifacio Global C...

Dreams do come true for every Juan. Marvin Agustin did not imagine being in the roster of the most powerful and influential names in business and economy having won the 2012 Young Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year o...
One of the most difficult things that a business owner would do is to negotiate. Whether you are negotiating for a reduction of your rent, negotiating the salary of your employee or simply negotiating for a possible partnership, the task alone can se...