is its people’s fear of showing emotions, perhaps, brought by the fact that they do not want to be judged. Apparently, more and more people see emotions as impractical. They do not sell. They do not put food on the … Continue reading U...

Hello dears. I have been absent from this blog for a long time but I've been very active on my Instagram account. I was in one of my moods once again and I didn't know how to start blogging again. I guess, I'm just fueled by my emotions and the amoun...
people around me (except for my parents) were so rude to me. so many judgemental shits, i just...
On his way home, he suddenly remembered what was said to him a decade ago. You’ll never get anywhere, kid. You try and try but you will never succeed. That was fatal. It is until now. And he knows that the pain associated with it will always be etc...

One of the joys of my job is officiating weddings. I love to see two people in love standing before God and man committing to love each other for better or for worse. Yesterday was one of those days where I saw how a real man was never afraid to show...
Can you remember the first time we saw each other? Nah. Let us keep that under the bushes. Let us just keep those things on the good side of life. It must have been hard leaving you behind without even a word. And I hate myself for being so weak-hear...
By Fierce&Love on Oct 9, 2012 in:
Essays, How To, Love, abusive relationships, arguments, compromise, dating, dating advice, dating tips, emotions, healthy relationships, in a relationship, life, long distance relationship advice, love, love advice, relationship advice, relationship help, relationship problems, relationships, the lord of the rings, the relationship, what is relationship
There has to be a guidebook or some sort of list to teach people the rules to compromise. It is a fact that most relationships need compromise to work. It’s an ugly truth that both sides cannot win at the same time, especially in an argument or...