The post Apple iPhone 5 Hammer Drop & Knife Scratch Test appeared first on Watch the other destruction videos: The Drop Test:... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]...

americasgreatoutdoors: Picture yourself in a national park from April 21 - 29 as America celebrates National Park Week –– a chance to hike, learn, share, and give back in the nation’s 397 national parks. Each year, we take this time to celebra...
By Angela Andaluz on Sep 17, 2012 in:
Dita, Von, Teese, drop, umbrella, men, run, pick, up, smiling, funny, lol, beauty, stunning, sexy, glamorous, photo, image

commanderspock: cariosus dita von teese’s life...
By Non-Conversations on Sep 4, 2010 in:
Uncategorized, body, caress, distance, drop, earth, fire, kiss, Love, passion, poem, sky, soul, sun, sweat, union

i smell your sweet breath, more fragrant than infinite dreams, as your lips hover from heaven, to mere inches above mine, rendering me incapable of looking at the smoldering twilight in your eyes; nonetheless, equally unable of tearing myself away I...