Having a baby is a joyful time for both the father and mother alike. It can lift your spirit and make your life complete. Mood swings are natural for women after delivery, this mood swings are called "baby blues" but often go away after a few days...
Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral disease that causes itchy skin rash with blisters. This rashes are caused by varicella zoster virus, a part of the herpes virus group. The blisters can spread to the whole parts of the body skin but there are c...
High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition that everyone wants to avoid because it can lead to many serious health problems such as stroke, heart diseases and kidney failures. With all the information about hypertension floating around the we...
Heartburn or medically known as pyrosis or acid indigestion is a burning sensation in the chest, behind the breastbone. The pain occurs mainly in the chest but may radiate to the neck, throat or at an angle of the jaw. It is often worse when lying do...
Dementia in Latin words means "madness". It is a mental disorder where a person loses his cognitive ability due to a mental illnesses, accident or aging. Dementia is a continuous or progressive condition depending on the severity of mental damage or...
Have you heard about a condition called Sleep Apnea? I bet you haven't heard of it in your entire life. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which pauses of breathing occurs or an extremely abnormal low breathing during sleep. Each breathing pause is called...
Have you heard about this term - Tennis Elbow? At first look, you would thought that this term is related to tennis sport but in reality, its a health condition pertaining to elbow. Lateral Epicondylitis is the medical term for this condition which m...