It is not amusing to see someone leaving you and hear goodbyes. I wanted to cry and shout the pain out of my sphere. I wanted my blood to ooze out of my veins but my tears were sealed by the anger inside of me. “Baby…” that was sweet of her to...
I never expected its abrupt ending. But I guess, it was meant to happen. I do not mind my paces. I only think about how the knob turned so faithfully according to the will of my hand. Yes, I blame you for not doing that extra effort of ticking the lo...
When it rains, you are sure that everything seems to be calm and cool. Of course, the wind may get stronger than what you can expect and the rain sheet could get worse than what you can imagine. I like the feel of the wind on my cheeks when it is rai...
I have this courier dilemma. I can’t decided which one to use for my shop. I’ve been...
By Between Coordinates on Jun 21, 2012 in:
Project 730, Uncategorized, assessment, backpacking, blogging, dilemma, finances, how tos, iloilo, independence, inspired, interest, money, philippines, plan, planning, planning process, plans, process, project 730, routes, solo travel, tourist attraction, travel, travel plans, travel young, traveler, trip, world travel, young, young travel

“Planning is one thing. Doing it is another.” I am giving myself roughly 6 months and 15 days to plan for #PHL80_23. Believe me, planning is critical - else, I might end up on a sidewalk asking people “what the heck am I doing...
By Between Coordinates on Jun 10, 2012 in:
Project 730, Uncategorized, assessment, blogging, cheap, comparison, dilemma, finance, finances, iloilo, independence, inspired, interest, money, philippines, planning, plans, project 730, save, savings, solo travel, travel, travel plans, travel young, traveler, trip, work, world travel, young, young travel

It’s going to be such a splendid mid-year because I’ll be on a huge commitment - “Spending Diet.” I’ll be seeing myself either walking, catching a cheap jeepney ride, or nibbling on a Php5 bread sold across the Cen...
By Between Coordinates on Jun 8, 2012 in:
Project 730, Uncategorized, alone, assessment, blogging, dilemma, friend, independence, interest, philippines, planning, project 730, safe, safety, spare, support, travel plans, travel young, traveler, young, young travel

Today, I would have ran over by a car because I was not looking from my side while crossing the street. Gladly, God spared my life. I spent the whole day with a special friend (a dear friend) that is really close to my heart, someone whom I know will...