The Middle by Jimmy Eat World on Grooveshark Hey, don't write yourself off yetIt's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on.Just try your best, try everything you can.And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away.It...

October by Collapsis on Grooveshark I am not dead... yet. OCTOBER IS HANDS DOWN TESTING ALL THE QUALITIES A GOOD PERSON SHOULD BE POSSESSING. My first week was about 100-page files getting corrupted, visa applications getting rescheduled an hour...
Sometimes, things don’t make sense. I cannot convince myself right now if the things coming my way are rightfully deserved by my hard-working self. I feel this opportunity is beyond me – this is the biggest break I have encountered in my whole li...

Current work condition: I CANNOT WORK. Do you understand what that means? It means I am volunteering myself to the guillotine as early as this week!!!! I cannot do this research when my mind is so restless!!! Things have gone out of control and I con...
Do not get me wrong, I adore the Spanish football team. I am rooting for them to win this year’s EUROCUP but boy do they play like machines. M*&^#%$*@ BLAND, BORING, and GRACELESS. Where is the romance and flair in football? The risk-taking? Th...

Another unexpected turn out of events and this time I believe I’m in the middle of a life turbulence. The series of spectacularly upsetting personal incidents managed to book themselves this month with gaps so unnoticeable they weren’t kind enoug...
The last thing I want is a sensationalized version of what I am going through that will eventually become the alleged truth just because I am not the type of person who makes press releases of what I do and feel. If something bothers me so much, I wi...