By Human Rights Online Philippines on Dec 17, 2012 in:
Blog, Barack Obama, Connecticut, current-events, Friday, Gun control, Newtown Connecticut, Obama, United States, White House
President Obama’s call for “meaningful action”: the Connecticut shooting incident and the question of gun control in the US by Jose Mario De Vega I am writing in reference to the latest horrendous shooting incident in America. It seems to me th...
Oklahoma City Thunder superstar and NBA scoring champ, Kevin Durant, pays tribute to the shooting victims in Newtown, Connecticut. KD himself wrote the phrase, Newtown CT into his Nike KDV (5) “Home” as a show of respect and condolences t...
By on Dec 15, 2012 in:
News, 2012, Aquino, Connecticut, December, elementary, Hook, president, Sandy, School, statement, tragedy
The post Statement of President Aquino on the tragedy in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, December 15, 2012 appeared first on... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]...

First, I saw the status updates on FB about a shooting in Connecticut. So I started to run a search in Google and found this news about the shooting in CT. A 20-year old, a young man, opened fire in one of the sections of Sandy Hook Elementary Schoo...