jaremhive: Think green Live curious
By Artes Alveo on Nov 5, 2011 in: condom, frenzy, frenzy condom
jaremhive: Think green Live curious ...
By Artes Alveo on Nov 5, 2011 in: condom, frenzy, frenzy condom
jaremhive: Think green Live curious ...
By antipinoy.com on Oct 2, 2011 in: Lifestyle, Religion, catholic bishops conference of the philippines, condom, contraceptives, Reject the RH Bill, reproductive health, rh bill, the pill
The debates on the RH Bill are in full swing in the Senate. On one end we have Filipinos who feel entitled to do away with other people’s money - and are willing to use the police power/power of taxation of the state to make Juan pay for...
By A Fine Vintage. on Feb 14, 2011 in: valentines, condom, santa, be safe
HAPPY VALENTINES! I know I may have gotten my holidays mixed-up but Santa Condom wants you to know: Be safe this Valentines season.