By Back2Gaming on Apr 17, 2013 in:
Reviews, Augustus Cole, chainsaw, COG, cover-based shooter, Damon Baird, Dominic Santiago, epic, featured, Garron Paduk, Karn, Kilo Squad, Lancer, Locust, Marcus Fenix, prequel, Sofia Hendrik, Unreal Engine 3

Rev up your chainsaws... the Gears are back.

Earliest known photo of Cog. I've been reading up on how today's college graduates seem to expect great salaries and the corporate ladder waiting for them to get up to the ranks of upper management in five years. I've read how many people say that...

We played only three songs at the UP Fair (Millipede, Lines Crossed, and Stabbing at the Shoulders of Giants), but it was fun, though a bit tiring, owing to the timeslot.Personal observation: Hair + Clothes = somehow '90's vibe.
By my life on board on Dec 12, 2012 in:
Skate parks, Skateboarding News and Events, Boo Johnson, Center of Gravity, CoG, COG Skate Park, Erik Ellington, Keelan Dadd, Neen Williams, Stevie Williams, Supra Asia Tour, Supra Footwear, Supra Philippines
Supra took the world by storm and quickly established itself as a ground-breaking and revolutionary skate brand. Established by long-time skater and street wear ingénue Angel Cabada who is known...

[starttext]Tower Sessions Presents: COGFor the seventeenth episode of the second season of Tower Sessions, COG performs their song - "Lines Crossed." This performance was filmed and recorded at Tower of Doom Studios during a live recording session.CO...
Hello, all, Sorry for not writing, but things are currently a bit busy. Don't worry though, once everything settles down, i think this place will get up and jumping again. Anyway, here's one reason why I've been busy: Copy as follows: Tower...