This week is good vibes week. Although I am swimming in work back-log and have deadlines that are too impossible to beat, I am surprisingly chill and even upbeat with everything that’s happening around me. And it’s weird because everybody’s bei...
By miss/adventuretraveler on Feb 24, 2013 in:
hotairballoon, toy, flyhigh, clark, aerobatic, festival, whatasight, tiny, blog, missadventuretraveler, pampanga, bucketlist, exhibition, aeronautic, toyplanes, performance, flyaway, thingstodo

Ultralight planes! ✈✈✈ #bucketlist #thingstodo #pampanga #clark #hotairballoon #festival #performance #flyaway #flyhigh #toyplanes #toy #tiny #aerobatic #aeronautic #exhibition #whatasight #missadventuretraveler #blog...

2012 is almost over and the final judgment of my annual bucketlist has arrived! How did I fare? 23/35 for fully completed bucket list entries!! A PASSING MARK FOR ME YEY! I am giving myself an B+ for my efforts because 1) I accomplished both personal...

Finally. After how many months of "squatting" in my professional life and sucking precious earth hours off me, this research is finally over. I feel so FREE! About a week ago, I presented the findings to the media which I think will be the last prese...

I am studying again. This is meant to finally cross out an old mildew-inducing bucketlist entry for 2012 and that is – finishing the beginner levels of Espanol. I know, right – fina-effing-ly. This has long been overdue that my first few levels w...

I got a tattoo yesterday. It’s nothing fancy. I got one because it’s part of my bucketlist and I’ve been planning to get one since college and you know how I hate press releasing things I’m going to do and end up not doing it so yesterday was...
By The Cat's Meow on Nov 7, 2012 in:
someday, lazadaph, love, newyorkcity, igersmanila, soon, rightnow, instagood, igerspinoy, bucketlist, igdaily, nyc, dream, ig, instagram

New York, New York. ♡♥ #someday #soon #bucketlist #lazadaph #rightnow #love #dream #nyc #newyorkcity #ig #igersmanila #igerspinoy #igdaily #instagood #instagram...