By Never back down. Never ever give up. on Mar 20, 2013 in:
2012-13, blog, 2nd semester, k-smoove, karlc, memories, summer, junior year, blessed, competition, all in, t5, thankful, vacation, ust, cthm

A.Y. 2012-13 has come to an end. Junior Year, Third Year, Year 3 of my España journey has come to an end. Six semesters have come and go, time really flew by very fast. It was like yesterday when we lined up and hoped that we will get accepted into...

Sleepless nights, skipping meals, anti-social and a bucket of tears. Getting this was almost next to impossible, esp with microbiology, pharmacognosy and pharmChem.. Thank you Lord! ♥ :) this could be my ticket to Paris! Lol. =))) #justkeepdreaming...
By The Cat's Meow on Mar 6, 2013 in:
instagram, igerspinoy, love, ecstatic, family, igersmanila, blessed, rightnow, instagood, thankful, grateful, igdaily, home, ignation, ig, happy

OMGOMGOMG!!! Look what I came home to: a brand new washing machine, heater, electric fan, my curtains are finally up, the aircon cleaned and boarded up, everything is fixed PLUS a fridge full of food! Para akong nanalo ng kabuhayan showcase!!! Thank...
By Never back down. Never ever give up. on Mar 2, 2013 in:
blog, k-smoove, karlc, victory, ufte, champions, blessed, competition, all in, skills olympics, thankful, ust, cthm, quiz bee
It all began last July, when I was called in to compete for the very first time. Seven months later, four competitions in tow, already tested and proven, battlescars all over. It all came down on this hot Friday morning in Taguig. It was my last comp...
By miss/adventuretraveler on Jan 21, 2013 in:
birthday, 27, older, faith, blessed, grace, love, goodness, God, cheers
I always tell myself to stop counting (age) but I can’t! =pToday is a celebration & a...
1. SEEK "Seek" is a proactive word. It means to "attempt to find" or "to attempt to obtain or achieve."Many times we don't seek (or attempt) because we are afraid that we won't find anything. The good news is that if you seek, you will find...
I can’t believe that it’s already 2013! Time really flies. 2012 has been a roller coaster ride. It...