Here’s an article that came out on the Manila Bulletin on May 19th. Jenny of Chronicles of A Nursing Mom and myself were interviewed on our thoughts about extended breastfeeding, attachment parenting, and that controversial cover of Time. Origi...

Time's Cover asks "Are You Mom Enough" how did you respond to that question? What was your reaction? I share mine in this post and information on Attachment Parenting including an informative video and a link to a great interview with Dr. Sears, the...

I don’t have a child, but that would not stop me from letting out my opinion on the recent Time Magazine cover that featured a mother breastfeeding her nearly 4-year-old son. While many are now talking about attachment parenting, extended breas...

I wrote about us officially going through the terrible-two phase about three months ago. When parents would say Oh, we are on the terrible phase now - the normal reaction is an empathetic with a sorry-feeling "uffff, let's hope she'll go past t...
It's been a difficult week for all of us three mainly because we were sick. This crazy weather has been really a pain in the bottom. The day after Little Spanish Pinay's 2nd year birthday celebration, she got sick with colds and fever and...
By Spanish Pinay on Apr 19, 2012 in:
fruits, vegetables, eathing habit, motherhood, attachment parenting, eating, product review, health food, giveaway, toddlerhood, toddler, copy-kids

Little Spanish Pinay's nanny made an interesting comment before they went out for a walk this morning. She said: "I can never understand those moms I see in the park." She said this with a strong ridicule in her voice. Surprised, I as...

The wonderful side of blogging is getting to know other wonderful bloggers, learning things from them and at the same time getting the chance of helping out or supporting wonderful projects or products. I for one, already have a long list of favorite...