Breakfasts are my most #important meal! It has to be yummy,...
By miss/adventuretraveler on Jan 17, 2013 in: cheese, foodie, calories, house, ambiance, roesti, florentine, comforting, love, breakfast, open, time, bonus, muffin, eggsbenedict, space, travel, texture, blog, pancakes, bizu, naks, yogurt, bestmealoftheday, white, missadventuretraveler, highway, apartment1b, tried, mushroom

Breakfasts are my most #important meal! It has to be yummy, filling, and almost always with #EGGS :) I love my brekkie at home which almost #always have both eggs & #oatmeal but the #foodie in me will always #travel for new or #tried&tested; #food exp...