A friend who is an avid Facebook user asked me once why I am not using the networked blogging platform of FB. Although I am an avid Facebook user too, because my religious friends and I have a page to update, I am still not convinced that it is w...
By Dreams and Escapes on Apr 15, 2013 in:
Caleruega, gardens, Happiness, inspirational, life, photography, reflections, silence speaks, a bit of myself, nature

Sometimes, life needs to be taken one small step at a time so you can learn to appreciate what is in front of you and look back with fondness what you left behind. Filed under: Caleruega, gardens, Happiness, inspirational, life, photography, reflecti...

….the calm and quiet after a day’s work loving the smell of newly trimmed carabao grass and seeing the repotted plants lining up the wall a hot cup of peppermint tea and chocolate cookies. another perfect day despite the hard work. being...
The moment I woke up, a lovely song was humming in my head. I always love the month of April despite the heat because it brings back memories of long ago. April 1st, April dream. Then I think of Dionne Warwick belting out the song April Fools. Ye...
By Dreams and Escapes on Mar 30, 2013 in:
chemotherapy, Closer to God, Faith, life, reflections, silence speaks, a bit of myself, blogging, Easter 2013, thoughts

March is rapidly fading into oblivion but I still look forward to tomorrow. Easter brings that lovely feeling of being reborn - a new hope, a new beginning. Easter is one of the most important feasts in the Catholic calendar. It’s been...

Happiness is a choice. Always choose to be happy. Filed under: Happiness, life, ramblings, silence speaks, thoughts Tagged: a bit of myself, Happiness, life, pursuit of happiness, silence speaks, something to think about, thoughts and ramblings...
By Dreams and Escapes on Mar 14, 2013 in:
Close to Nature, life, nature, poems, ramblings, reflections, silence speaks, thoughts, a bit of myself, poem, thoughts and ramblings

I sat there waiting for the morning sunlight. Then she came and perched atop our bare avocado tree. I listened to her sweet rendition - a tweet, a song probably. As if sensing that I was watching, she quickly flew away. And I was left With a tepid cu...