It’s something that’s more valuable and delightful when not forced but when you feel it, don’t waste time! Act upon it! #sharing #love #IM #InspireMe #ThrowBackThursdays #kids #love #soon...

Parking lots are my new MRT rides. They keep these musings going. This night reminded me how it calms down restless tires and how it should stop itself from being attached to each of them for after an hour or so of cradling, there is parting. #musing...
An update from my new home: www.yangobrero.tumblr.com :) ****************************** Hi! (ansabe...
Where to find me now.: See you?

yangobrero: It’s a free hugs day on the 29th! Come on! Also, happy birthday baby I’M! Merry Christmas! nasaannanamanbasisingqupado: Merry Christmas, everybody! You are invited! :)Come celebrate life and sharing (also, Inspire Me’s 2nd birthda...

yangobrero: One of the biggest tragedies in life is losing the why and the for of living. Lucky are those who have found reasons not only to exist but to live. However, brave are those who act upon these reasons, follow their hearts’ desires and c...

yangobrero: Hi, hello! Buy one, take me. Take my heart away. Charaught! I’M ballers sold for 40 pesos each! Please message me here if you are interested to buy one. All proceeds go to I’M projects. Speaking of which, we’ll soon be celebrating...