Treasure your life…
on Nov 24, 2011 in: life lessons, Life, life cartoons

As I jumped off a building… ...
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Blog Tags: | life metaphors, life quotes, life lessons, life reflections, life inspirations |
life, metaphors, anecdotes, quips and quotes, life reflections and everyday experiences... |
on Nov 24, 2011 in: life lessons, Life, life cartoons
As I jumped off a building… ...
on Nov 21, 2011 in: life thoughts, Life Metaphors
I was watching one of my favorite TV shows, Fringe when Nina Sharp, one of the principal characters uttered a metaphorical statement about life…...
on Nov 16, 2011 in: life reflections
I want to share a wonderful message for most of us who seem are not satisfied or has no gratification of what we have. This might explain why we see some of the poor smiling and the rich frowning… The HAPPIEST...
on Nov 5, 2011 in: life reflections, Life quips
Someone said that we were made to love and to serve others…...
on Oct 28, 2011 in: Life, Life Metaphors
Life is like a piano. The white keys represent happiness, the black keys show sadness. But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys make music too… Life is like playing a piano. You need to use all the ke...
on Oct 25, 2011 in: life reflections
Life holds no promises to what will come our way... it makes no guarantees as to what we will have.. it just gives us time to make choices and to make chances. These are actually the qualities that life entails us to have. To be co...
on Oct 14, 2011 in: everyday notes
Doodles are fun to do. They are not just for kids. Everyone can make doodles. You don’t have to be an artist to make one. Why not incorporate them in your projects be it birthday, personalized cards, greetings, scrap books etc. Gi...