Yesterday I got the news I was really hoping for, it's my baby girl's academic achievement. Even though I don't pressure her that much about being on the top list in her class, still I did expect that she'll get a spot. Yes she did!!! And to reward h...
Back Again Hi, it's been months that I haven't written any posts. I'm quite busy with my online job, I'm working like 50-60 hours a week. What are some of the updates about me? Well, my 4 years old daughter Aliyah Cassandra had her summer dan...

Have you ever been to a relationship where you and the person you dearly love are worlds apart? Have met someone online; fell in love and hoping someday he/she will come to marry you? Do you feel you can always trust your partner that he/she will rem...

I'm Just A Girl by Miley Cyrus Finally I've been waitin' for this moment For you to see The real me It's been an illusion I never meant to fool you I got caught up in a fantasy I'm just a girl With a dream that got the best of me In a wo...

As a girl mobile phone is one of my weaknesses. I love to be on top of the latest trends in mobile gadgets. Well it's been a year since I bought my current cell phone the Softbank 920SC. I fell in love with this cell phone the first time I saw it on...

My-oh-my....girls are just too conscious of their figure. Every girl I know wants to have a 36-24-36 Vital Statistics. Is that possible to achieve? Well for some girls that isn't hard especially if it's genetically inherited. But for others who are n...

Yes, I'm just 29 years old and my huby is 31 years old but we're having our 10th wedding anniversary this 30th of October! Are we too young to celebrate such anniversary? We married young so obviously we've been through a lot of tough and more toughe...