Even though I have been constantly neglecting this blog, I just keep coming back to it. The last time I wrote on here, I blogged about my experimental cupcakes, and now here I am, bowing down to a new year. I admit, 2012 was not my year. I like to re...
Like all things, I don’t know how to start this entry. My writing chops are running a little dry, and I could never come up with an acceptable-enough lead. And this is such an inconvenient time for me to experience writer’s block because...
Even after three weeks, I still have post-cruise depression. I am having withdrawal symptoms; I miss being abroad and being kooky with my comrades. Oh well, I am back in the Philippines for now, but I have a gut feeling that I would be travelling out...
Today marks a momentous event in my life. It’s so momentous, it deserves to be marked as a ‘life event’ on Facebook. My better half and I are celebrating our third year together. Three years! Can you believe it? I can hardly believe...
Here’s some food for thought. What do you do when you’re at a point in your life where you have encountered a fork in the road? You don’t know what path you should take, and you struggle to figure out the right direction. Do you tak...
And I continue on with my story of how I violated another country of their insipid rules. I’m kidding. I only did it in one country. (insert humorous tone here) The next part of our excursion brought us to Phuket, Thailand. Everyone knows the t...
It has definitely felt like ages since I last wrote something on this blog. Alas, not much has been going on in my life, at least not much worth writing about. I found myself being bundled up in deadlines and projects; the life of a student-cum-art j...