What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? Photo credits: lunarboygallery.com Dear readers of ADayInTheLifeOfRJ.com, It is I, RJ. :) As you may have realized by now, I haven’t been blogging much for the past months and I assure you, it ̷...
Of Course I Do (an original prose poem by RJ Marmol) Of course I do. After all, there’s hardly a reason for me not to: Not a worthy excuse Nor a willing whine. No remorse, no recourse No drawing the line. Not a space separates...Note: OT: Of Co...
From my family to yours, we wish you a happy and prosperous new year! Say goodbye to 2010 and welcome 2011 with hope! XOXO, RJ :) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location:Looc Main Rd,Calamba City,Philippines Note: Happy New Year! is another...

Attention @suncelltweets and @suncellularpr Extremely rude CSR (code CASCMRJSS) just called me up to tell me I’m past due w/ my SunTel acct since Nov29 when in fact my due date is every 4th of the month. This is my first time with Sun/Digitel a...
on Nov 30, 2010 in:
Personal, Reviews, Sad Thoughts, Services, bad customer service, beware, how to lose customers in 3 minutes, rude customer service, sun cellular, suntel, suntel sucks, worst customer service experience

Attention @suncelltweets and @suncellularpr An extremely rude CSR (code CASCMRJSS) just called me up to tell me I’m past due w/ my SunTel acct since Nov29 when in fact my due date is every 4th of the month. This is my first time with Sun/Digite...
“#InAPerfectWorld every opinion carries equal weight. And each opinion, be it amazingly profound or despicably inane must be treated with the same level of respect if only for the fact that the existence of one validates the other.” ̵...
on Oct 11, 2010 in:
Foreign News, Mobile, News, Products, Reviews, Social Networking, Software, app, iPhone, yahoo messenger

The Yahoo Messenger app for the iPhone now supports voice and video according to its new update via the App Store. See photo of update notification below. I wonder how this plays out in light of the mobile VOIP wars between Skype, Fring and of course...