It’s November 1st, and National Blog Posting Month-NaBloPoMo-is upon us. Time to put your thinking cap on, fire up the computer, chug some extra coffee, and get a-postin’! Bookmark these resources for days when you need a litt...
By Age of the Diary on Oct 1, 2012 in:
Blogging, age of the diary, aling tonya, american idol, american idol concert, american idol concert live tweet, american idol live in manila, american idol manila concert, Atty. Disini, Blog, blogging, blogging summit, comedy, concert, culture, cybercrime law, cybercrime law Philippines, Dance, digital, digital influencers, digital influencers marketing summit, digital influencers marketing summit live tweet, digital marketing, Elizabeth Angsioco, Facebook, Facebook fan page, fan page, feminist, Fitz Villafuerte, folk dancing, freebies, fun, Funny, Gardenia, humor, inspiring, inspiring quotes, janette toral, Jayvee Fernandez, laguna, laguna blogging summit, laguna blogging summit live tweet, libel, live tweet, Lloyd Luna, love, love quotes, mall of asia, Manila, manila concert, Mark Acsay, marketing, MOA, Obusan, philippine culture, Philippines, Pocholo Gonzalez, questions, quotes, ramon obusan, Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group, Rosario Juan, santa cruz, santa cruz laguna, sisig, social issues, social media, status, summit, thoughts, tweet, twitter, Ugat, Ugnayan, writer, writing, writing challenges, writing prompts, writing quotes
Don’t miss out on all the fun! Follow Age of the Diary on Facebook and Twitter. Here’s a summary of my Facebook and Twitter posts for the month of September: Inspiring Quotes “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only co...
By Age of the Diary on Jul 5, 2012 in:
Writing Posts, block, creative block, jason rekulak, prompts, tip, tips, write, writer, writers, writing, writing exercise, Writing Exercises, writing prompts, writing tips
Writer’s block. You know what it’s like. It’s agony. It’s you wasting a lot of hours looking at blank paper. Is there a cure for it? Try some writing prompts. These can come in the form of questions, thought provoking pictures...