Walt Disney Animation Studios presents an epic tale of adventure and comedy in “Frozen,” a computer-animated feature film slated for the big screen on November 27, 2013. Directed by Chris Buck (“Tarzan,” “Surf’s Up”) & Jennifer...
The opening short Paperman is a silent animated film about two strangers. After a brief interaction on a train station, they part ways, only to find each other again. I even made this my timeline cover photo. Photo taken here. I was squirming i...
Disney's Wreck-It Ralph is arguably one of the most important movies we'll be reviewing here at Back2Gaming. Heck, if I had my way, I'd condense my take on it into the following statement: It's adorable, go watch it. Wreck-It Ralph follows the stor...
Emmy and Golden Globe-winner Jane Lynch (“Glee”) lends her voice to Sergeant Tamora Calhoun, the woman who runs the platoon of soldiers in the popular game Hero’s Duty, in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 3D adventure comedy “Wreck-It Ralph...
By The Fanboy SEO on Nov 2, 2012 in:
Fix-it Felix, Jane Lynch, John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Sonic the Hedgehog, Review, AKB48, Movies, Paperman, Wreck-it Ralph, Street Fighter, Capcom, Walt Disney Studios
Movie review for Walt Disney's "Wreck-it Ralph" featuring the voices of John C. Reilly as Wreck-it Ralph, Sarah Silverman as Vanellope, Jane Lynch as Sgt. Calhoun. Wreck-It Ralph (voice of Reilly) longs to be as beloved as his game's perfect Good...
Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), Wreck-It Ralph is the Toy Story of video gaming. As it was in Andy's room, we have an arcade where kids' play things come to life as soon as human's aren't looking. As it was in the blockbuster enter...
Opening on Filipino theaters this week is a longed 007 chapter, a movie about video games, a Thai heartthrob to exploit in generating more ticket sales and a documentary about the ever-loved Lilia Cuntapay. We are honestly off to a good one for...