Part 2 of Sto. Nino Feast. This morning, we went out with my uncle, cousin, and grandma. Had a short lunch at Tokyo Tokyo, Rob Otis. During lunch, (as all you know, athletes are hungry masters) dad and I are very competitive when it comes to "ri...
Cel felt painful and frequenting contractions as early as around 2:30 am. I was awake at that time because I got paged for work. After completing my task, my wife woke up and informed me about how she was feeling. So we monitored the frequency of her...
9-DAY NOVENA January 11 to 20, 2013 4 PM Cathedral Parish of Saint John the Baptist PAEAPAK January 11 to 20, 2013 In front of Cathedral Parish of Saint John the Baptist A unique age-old Christian tradition where a Catholic … Continue reading...
By Rose Beatrix C. Angeles (Trixie Cruz-Angeles)INQUIRER.netFirst Posted February 05, 2008Religion is the opiate of the masses - Karl Marxwww.philippines.hvu.nl Even the most modern Filipinos will not allow two weddings in one family in the same...
The international movie "Bourne Legacy" is rumored to start shooting scenes from the Marikina Public Market, known as Marikina Market Mall, or to Marikenos as "Palengke sa Bayan." The shoot is rumored to take place across Mercury Drugstore along W P...