Andrew Garfield and director Marc Webb has just confirmed for the return of Spider-Man sequel on the big screen! And they even have a play date, Spider-Man sequel will be swinging into action again in May 2, 2014. This is what the president of Colu...
By Paper Toy Adventures on Sep 16, 2012 in:
Comics, Crafty Collabs, Movies, Paper Toys, arts and crafts, doc oc, doctor octopus, marvel comics, otto octavius, paper craft, paper toy, peter parker, spider-man
Mixing it up a bit this month, yet again, today we continue the first installment of the Villains gallery paper toy series, first concocted here. This time around, we proudly [...]...
By The Fanboy SEO on Sep 4, 2012 in:
Jerome Opena, Captain Marvel, Sunspot, Black Widow, Cannonball, Wolverine, Avengers, Spider-Woman, Thor, Hulk, Marvel Comics, Marvel Now, Jonathan Hickman, Comics, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye
Check out the cover for Avengers # 1 which will be written by Jonathan Hickman with art by Jerome Opena. The art for the cover however is done by Dustin Weaver who is also an excellent artist. Read more »...
By Paper Toy Adventures on Sep 2, 2012 in:
Assembly Instructions, doc oc, doctor octopus, iron man, iron spider, lizard, scarlet spider, spider-man, tony stark, waldoe
Hi folks! Yesterday, I wrote a post about the Iron Spider, the uber cool Crafty Collab by Ralph Rayenyson. Not only did he design Iron Spidey, but he also sent [...]...
By Paper Toy Adventures on Sep 1, 2012 in:
Comics, Paper Toys, avengers, iron man, iron spider, marvel, paper craft, peter parker, scarlet spider, spider-man, tony stark
Pop quiz hot shot! What’s red, gold, and made of iron? This month we’re starting off with a Crafty Collab from Ralph Rayenyson. He’s been releasing a number of cool [...]...
By Paper Toy Adventures on Aug 29, 2012 in:
Comics, Paper Toys, ben reilly, iron spider, marvel, peter parker, scarlet, scarlet spiders, spider, spider-girl, spider-man
Okay, just before the iron, red, and gold spider coming next week, I present to you a scarlet one - it turns out, this guy is actually an appropriate kicker [...]...
By Paper Toy Adventures on Aug 27, 2012 in:
Comics, Paper Toys, alien, carnage, marvel comics, spider-man, spidey, symbiote, venom, villain, web shooter
Alright, one more Symbiote for now, then we’ll switch over to the heroes after. This week, we’ve got another crafty creation from Chihuahua Mexico! Alonso Baŭtista Viĵalobos’ contribution this week is [...]...