Last Saturday, I was able to attend It’s a WAHMderful Life Workshop by Manila Workshops and Martine of Daintymom, it’s a whole day affair at the Studio SnR in Ortigas. This is the second... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my web...
By Manila Reviews on Dec 22, 2012 in:
Events, Featured, child care, Christmas Gift for Yaya or your Maids training for yaya, etiquette, first aid, maid training, maid workshops, Manila Workshops, manners, ok ka yaya ko, okay ka yaya ko, train maids, yaya training
The Manila Workshops Team would like to invite you to send your yaya, maid, ‘ate’, household help, ‘manang’, etc. to attend the first workshop of our House Helper Series, Ok Ka, Yaya Ko! Workshop. This workshop will be held at the Valle Verde...
We are inviting moms, dads and parents-to-be to attend this Intentional parenting workshop called "Yes Mommy: How to Talk so your Child will Listen and Understand" this coming Dec. 15, 2012.
By Manila Reviews on Nov 25, 2012 in:
Events, Featured, Manila Workshops, Mom workshops, parenting workshops, philippine workshops, wahms, Work at home moms, Workshops for Moms and Dads, Workshops in Manila, workshops philippines
We would like to meet you through this interesting brand that we have established last year. The brand is called Manila Workshops. For Dec. 2012 and January 2013, we bring you two exciting events that you may want to be a part of. The Yes Mommy! Work...