It was fun! Teenagers and food make a good mix. At some point reading must be required and rewarded. Looking for the eggs in the books was not easy. There were those who looked randomly and got frustrated. The more strategic thinkers consulted the...
Before assembly: box, Easter Egg biscuits, chocolate eggs and pipe cleaners After assembly: Easter Basket! TA-DAH! Ready to be given away! Who is the lucky library borrower who will get this Easter Basket?
Sharing the library promo we're having this Easter: April 3-8, 2013 is EASTER EGG HUNT @ the library! There are eggs hidden in selected books in the FICTION, GENERAL COLLECTION, FILIPINIANA and TEACHERS RESOURCE. If you happen to borrow that selecte...
I made these, for Easter, as giveaways when library patrons come back and join our Easter Egg Hunt after the long Holy Week/Mid-term break. Star Box (I did not make the name. No pun intended) for keeping chocolate eggs. A tulip to fill in a sp...
Books pulled out from Teacher's Resource Collection Books from the Fiction Collection...