This hero was release last week in HoN.Garena. The first time I was able to play with this hero was totally amazing. This hero was our enemy and we're having a hard time because of his advantage early game which proved useful until the end game. He's...
I was happy yesterday because finally, the new heroes were released in HoN Garena - Geomancer and Midas that is. I've played with some players with those heroes but apparently they don't know how to use them yet so they lost big time! lol...
Midas is a new hero coming out this Friday in Heroes of Newerth. He is a ranged strength hero. The video basically covers everything. It would seem that you need to level all of the skills as all of them are important but you might need to prioritize...
After months of waiting, the second community created hero, the Geomancer, is finally here! Designed by community members Phopis and Chibbi, the Geomancer is a mobile, subterranean hero with strong team-fighting and ganking abilities.