Of course, we all know what the Collatz Conjecture is. Wait. You don’t? Man, have you been missing out on some serious fun! (If by “fun,” you mean restless nights spending many an hour of your lifetime wasting away wondering whether the Collatz...
I lost a good deal of hair writing the poem below. The square poem is just that much of a challenge, but it is worth it. A square poem has no fixed number of lines or stanzas, so in that sense it’s free-form, but it does follow a strict alterna...
I’ve not written much of my novel for National Novel Writing Month lately, so I’ve seen it fit to procrastinate through Poeformology. EDIT: This is why I hate NaNoWriMo. I lose my ability to think. Turns out there’s already a Diagonal Acros...
Man, how long has it been since I last posted? I shan’t state it here, as it’s embarrassing; I’ll let you find out on your own. I’ve been feeling un-poetic lately, but since I’m doing National Novel Writing Month and in...
Shape poetry can be quite a bitch of a poetic form. The content in a shape poem is quite easy to manage; it is the form and, in the most literal sense, its “shape” that makes it so, so difficult. The concept behind shape poetry is to writ...
I’ll say it here and now: Writing a diagonal acrostic is difficult. Remember that in an acrostic poem, the first letters of each line, when read in sequence vertically, form a word or a phrase. The diagonal acrostic is like that, only it’...
Found poetry is of the more lenient poetic forms. There is no set structure to it. No meter. No rhyme. (Well, not unless you want to use these devices in writing found poetry.) In fact, the words don’t even come from you at all. That’s wh...