As per, Star Inacay’s request, here’s the key thoughts on my message today. What we believe about the future
will determine how we live today. How does my view of heaven
affect how I live today? Revelation 21:1-6 1. What is heaven?
By on Oct 20, 2012 in:
Relationship with God, Amillennialism, End Times, eschatology, jesus, King of Kings, millennium, Postmillennialism, Premillennialism, rapture, second coming, The End Series, tribulation
Although all Evangelicals agree on the final results of Christ’s return, there is disagreement over three important details concerning future events: the nature of the millennium, the sequence of Christ’s return, and the proper way to int...
(NOTE: These are my notes for the 1st installment of “THE END” series at Victory Fort. I’m posting this for those who might have missed the verses I tackled because I went through them quite fast.) This year is supposed to be the en...