Dream High: The All-Star CastsTitle: Dream High,드림하이 (Deu-rim-ha-i)Genre: Musical, school, romanceEpisodes: 16Language: KoreanCountry: South Korea"Dream High" takes place at Kirin High School of Art and follows the lives of students as they a...
Kim Soo Hyun's Valentine ♥Valentines Day was spent by Kim Soo Hyun, the star in the drama series Dream High 1 and 2, The Moon that Embraces the Sun, Giant and the 2012 movie The Thieves, on a pictorial with a famous clothing brand in Korea. This sp...
Two months ago, I started watching Korean dramas. I wasn't in the mood to study so I ended up having a drama marathon. I guess it's one of the reasons why it took me a while posting in my blog. I was simply addicted distracted with th...
Vacation is almost over and I didn't even know it! Gawd. Didn't go somewhere else and stay the whole weekend at home. I know, I know, it's boring but due to budget constraints, I must stay at home.. walang gala nakatulong pa sa gastusin sa bahay...