By The Philippine Travelogue on Dec 27, 2012 in:
Blog, albert court, anilao, batam indonesia, boracay, el nido, kota kinabalu, kuala lumpur, malaysia, mt. pinatubo, mt. pulag, Palawan, pulau tioman, singapore
KIDDING! Of course I was kidding. 2012 has been such a blessing to me that writing this year ender post is so hard I didn’t even know where to begin. This post’s original title is: The Year of Love, Lust and Wander (cue Jay Sean’s It Ain’...
Finally, my first solo travel ever! It was supposed to happen last week but I am too nervous to went with my own plan so I have it cancelled that week. The feeling of being alone and doing something that I haven't tried yet makes me feel scared.
By profound bliss on Oct 4, 2012 in:
Mount Gulugod Baboy, mountain climbing, exploring Philippines, mountains, Batangas, backpacking, Mount Pinagbanderahan, how to get there, Anilao, travels
Mt. Gulugod Baboy/Pinagbanderahan offers a 360-degree scenic view of Anilao. From the summit, you can see the nearby Batangas Pier, Maricaban and Sombrero islands, and even the distant Mt. Maculot, Mt. Lobo and Manabu Peak. Locals say it’s actua...
It wasn’t a usual climb for me when I went to Anilao, Batangas last Thursday. Although I admit I miss the mountains as much as perhaps every mountaineer who had been deprived of the chance to climb for quite a number of months, my goal in Mt. Gulug...
Let’s move! It’s time to make our move and show love to the seas. It's time to mean the difference between wanting and ‘actually doing’ our share in protecting our coastal areas.Ocean Conservancy is the leading promoter of this advocacy and h...
By Me.Myself.I on Oct 8, 2011 in:
Sabangan, Club Balai Isabel, Batangas, Blue Coral, travel, Dive Solana, Canyon Cove, Acuatico, company outings, Verde Island, beach resort, La Luz, Eagle Point, Palm Beach, Anilao, Virgin Beach, outings, Outrigger
One part of my work has been preparing for corporate company outing. Ik find it difficult to search for blogs for this kind of event. This blog is a collection of Batangas beach resorts that I've been into. Hopefully, this will help those who, like m...