By Back2Gaming on Mar 10, 2012 in:
Releases, adrenaline, asphalt 6, asphalt 6 adrenaline, gameloft, gameloft ph, google, google play, near orbit, near orbit vanguard alliance, nova 2, nova 2 near orbit vanguard alliance, vanguard alliance
In celebration of the announcement of the android market being now named as Google Play. Gameloft has put their two foremost titles, N.O.V.A. 2: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance and Asphalt 6: Adrenaline on sale for the price of $0.49 (around P20.99 for...
By The Ilongga on Feb 5, 2012 in:
Uncategorized, Leisure, Travel, Philippines, Visayas, Wellness, Jogging, Health and Diet, Blogging, People, exercise, jogging, guimaras, fun, new, diet, sweat, running, endurance, fat burner, adventure, kayaking, wall climbing, rapelling, negros, air gun, paint ball, compressed air, guns, level up, action movies, bike riding, parasailing, mountains, hills, carve, biceps, triceps, limits, stamina, safety ropes, muscle strain, adrenaline, opportunities
Sometimes taking a break from your regular routine of exercise would be such a relief. This gives you a lot of opportunities to venture to other things like relaxation or perhaps a higher form of applied physics? haha! I’m talking about doing s...