I know I said I'll be writing about Oracle VMs and PS templates, but I found this on my drafts folder and thought I should probably move it out here first. It's an old post that never got published, soo.. this is probably irrelevant now too since mos...
So.. lately i've been busy with Oracle VM and making PeopleSoft templates work in Virtual box. it's crazy. Being a tech guy, I prefer creating PS Environments manually. It seems less complicated. It IS less complicated. I remember seeing this cartoo...
Using the following Datamover script, you can extract a single user along with its corresponding roles and securities to a flat file: SET OUTPUT C:\Refresh\USEREXPORT.DAT;SET LOG C:\Refresh\USEREXPORT.LOG; EXPORT PSOPRDEFN WHERE OPRID='userid';EXPO...
Is your PeopleSoft Environment experiencing memory leak? The steps below would be usefull when recycling a single PSAPPSRV process, removing the need to bring down the entire application server. Make sure that you kill and reboot a single PSAPPSRV p...
Requirement: To upgrade the existing Microfocus 4.0SP2 to Microfocus 5.0 WP4. After the upgrade, MS 4.0SP2 Runtime license will still be loaded as this is still being used by an older version of PS (8.47). The compiler will now use MS 5.0, COBOLs com...
######### List details of user in unix, with more details compared with listusersadquery user -CpP <username> ######### search and replace string in vi mode (editor) Type in the whole thing, where String1 is the string to be replaced, and stri...
Let's say you wanted to delete a specific process instance and you want to do it backend. The script below would be helpful specially if you opted to create a script to do things automatically. This works for Oracle Database with PT 8.49: DELETE F...