Personal TasteAlternative Title: Personal PreferenceChinese Title: 個人取向Year: 2010Language: KoreanGenre: Romantic-Comedy, DramaEpisodes: 16Image Credit: AmazonSynopsis:Park Gae In (Son Ye Jin) is a furniture designer who lives in a traditional...
City HunterKorean Title: 시티헌터Genre: Action, Thriller, RomanceYear: 2011Language: KoreanEpisodes: 20Box set available on Amazon Synopsis:After the Rangoon bombing that killed several South-Korean officials, five officials, known as the Council...
Boys Over Flowers ReviewAlternative Title: Boys Before FlowersChinese Title: 花檨男子Korean Title: 꽃보다 남자Year: 2009Language: KoreanGenre: Romantic ComedyEpisodes: 25Boys Over Flowers - Korean drama (5DVD Digipak - Complete Set, 25 Episo...
Hi My SweetheartChinese Title: 海派甜心Year: 2007Genre: Romantic ComedyLanguage: MandarinEpisodes: 14Synopsis:Xue Hai (Show Luo), a dorky guy who wears an ugly mushroom hair and a pair of huge glasses, has been left to the care of his much older...
Operation LoveAlternative Title: Proposal DaisakusenYear: 2007, 2008 (special)Episodes: 11 episodes, 1 specialLanguage: JapaneseGenre: Romance, Comedy, Sci-FiSynopsis:Iwase Ken (Tomohisa Yamashita) attends a wedding of his childhood bestfriend Rei (M...
Japanese: 神木 隆之介Birthdate: May 19, 1993 <a HREF="
PuzzleYear: 2007Episodes: 4Language: JapaneseGenre: MysterySource: Amazon JapanSynopsis:A group of armed men seizes a school and takes a teacher and a student as their hostages. The hostage-takers ask the top class to complete a puzzle in exchange fo...