Glimpse of Life

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on May 25, 2010

[widget:widget_31zS41274770070964] You were once a stranger You saw me on one corner However, I didn’t notice you were there Pardon me, I was not aware   You smiled at me like you know me You keep on talking with me lately You came along...


on Mar 24, 2010

A dream was started when I met youAnd my conscience and emotions started to argueIt was a wonderful dreamIt makes me feel like to screamThe dream seemed like it was for eternityBut the room for our hearts was so dimlyI was figuring it out how to driv...


on Mar 24, 2010

Didn’t you even notice I always smile at you?Didn’t you even wonder why I’m too nice dealing with you?I always wanted you tonotice meEven to the extent that I’vebecome silly My heart feels so happy whenever we’re togetherYou make my da...


on Mar 24, 2010

I don't wanna fall in love again for God sake! I know how it feels and it badly hurts me! Why do I have to be hurt like this when all I want is to love and be loved? This world is making me feel unloved andunwanted! Sometimes, I feel...

It was summer in the year 2009 when I decided to stop school for a while. I didn't enroll for summer classes because of some major reasons, like; first, I was tired and need some rest and relaxation. Secondly, I don't have at least minor subject if n...


on Mar 23, 2010

I can't still forget him. There are still times when I reminisce everything about him unconsciously. Am I to be blame when there are things that remind me of him? Every night, when I'm all alone in my room. When all I can see is nothing but darkness,...

Maybe It Was Fate?

on Mar 23, 2010

We met unexpectedlyYou greeted me with a smile that was deadlyI din't notice you at firstAnd you thought that was worst Few days had pastWhile things happened so fastWe became closer and closerA day I won't see you will makes my world grayer&nbs...;

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