Your bones' my bedframe that braces your skin’s satin sheet, comes... This is a lifestyle blog. It will cover topics such as community events that I go to, my travels, gastronomic pursuits, my interest...
It’s the second quarter of the year, and that means summer days are officially here to heat us again. And for me, summertime is synonymous to beachcapades. Yes, I am a self-proclaimed beach bum. You... This is a lifestyle blog. It will cover to...
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” This is a lifestyle blog. It will cover topics such as community events that I go to, my travels, gastronomic pursuits,...
For almost a month already, my friend and I have been eyeing on this restaurant called Garden by the Bay located at Maryknoll Drive, Lanang, Davao City. We have been to the place,... This is a lifestyle blog. It will cover top...
So I have decided to delete all my previous posts here on Blogspot (and on my Multiply too), the same way with what I did on my Wordpress and Friendster Blog way, way before. I want to start... This is a lifestyle blog. It will cover topics such...