Do you know of someone who counts as educated but doesn't know anything?If you can't identify anyone person, it's probably because you believe that knowledge is a central component of being an educated person. You probably think that no person will e...
While equally small in population, gifted children are probably less understood than those with developmental disorders and learning disabilities. Being not a medical case, the knowledge that has been generated about the phenomenon of giftedness is n...
Teachers of gifted students should not be just any teacher. For gifted students have special needs that are most likely unfamiliar to teachers whose scope of training and education may not have i...
Having a certain goal is an important component of a sound parental or home education for very young children, especially those aged 0 up to age before entering preschool. But parents have different goals in mind when they teach their children someth...

A good pre-college school for high-ability students must include both primary and secondary education. Also, the school for the gifted should be robustly connected with a highly reputable tertiary school. That school should open its doors to young gi...
I’m opening this blog for those who are interested in the phenomenon of giftedness. Because I’m no expert in gifted education, I’m confining myself to problems that could be ans...